FFShop 0.6

Frames and video edit with ffmpeg. Introduction Requirements Installation Configuration Usage MUI RxMUI AISS Warning Author


FFShop is RxMUI gui for compositing sets of frames to video and then join everything together on the "timeline". Also you can add video or his time range.


OS4 FFmpeg 1.1.3 or 2.x (recommended) Version 0.8.2 or 0.6.1 is no longer supported. FFplay MPlayer RxMUI MUI AISS (optional) Arexx


If you have not installed. Install RxMUI. Install Textinput.mcc (not needed if you have MUI4). Textinput.mcc - ftp://ftp.vapor.com/pub/misc/textinput_293.lzx or http://antaresdesign.free.fr/MUI/MCC_Textinput29.3.lha Copy the FFShop directory where you want.


Select Preferences menu to open the preferences window. Main Full path to FFmpeg. Full path to FFplay. Full path to MPlayer. Temporary directory for cutted videos. Path for final output videos. Gui Preview size Main window Small - 160x120, Big - 320x240 (Save and restart) Timestrip window Small - 80x60, Big - 160x120 Max videos Maximum videos in Video list window. (0 - 100) Other Log Open Log window at startup. (Save and restart) Time Open Time window at startup. (Save and restart) Video list Open Video list window at startup. (Save and restart) Timestrip Open Timestrip window at startup. (Save and restart) To frames Open To frames window at startup. (Save and restart) Convert video Open Convert video window at startup. (Save and restart) Console output Enable - disable FFmpeg console output.


Main window Bar buttons: Frames - Open requesters for first frame and last frame. Open Video - Open requester for video file. (or drop video file to main window) Effects - Apply effect on video or frames. Crop - Crop video or frames. Drawtext - Draw text on top of video or frames (with scaled preview). Quit - Quit program. Cycles: Codec - Output video codec. o mpeg4 (avi) (default) o msmpeg4 (avi) o libxvid (avi) o mpeg1 (mpg) o mpeg2 (mpg) o libx264 (avi) Bitrate - Output video bitrate. o 256k o 360k o 600k o 768k (default) o 1000k o 1150k o 1600k o 2000k o 2300k o 2600k o 4000k o 6000k o 7000k o 8000k Size - Output video size. --4:3-- o 320x240 o 640x480 (default) o 800x600 o 1024x768 o 1152x864 o 1280x960 o 1400x1050 o 1600x1200 --16:9-- o 640x360 o 854x480 o 960x540 o 1024x576 o 1280x720 o 1366x768 o 1600x900 o 1920x1080 o 704x576 o 720x576 Start and end preview: Click on left picture to refresh start preview. Click on right picture to refresh end preview. Sliders: Start time - Set range start time by seconds. End time - Set range end time by seconds. Start frame - Set range start frame by frames. End frame - Set range end frame by frames. Buttons: Add to Timestrip - Add range to Timestrip. Delete range - Delete selected range. (only in video mode) You can delete only beggining or end (no middle part). Play range - Play selected range. (only in video mode) Play all - Play whole video. (only in video mode) Timestrip window Window: Drag the thumbnail to change its position on the "timeline". Select the clip by clicking on the box with time. Buttons: Play preview - Play all clips. (one by one) Play selected - Play selected clip(s). Clear all - Clear all clips in Timestrip window. (delete all in temporary directory) Clear selected - Clear selected clip fom Timestrip window. (delete from temporary directory) Join - Join all and select output name. (with extension or not) Video list window Window: Drop video file(s) to Video list window. Doubleclick on video to play. Drag and drop video to main window. Buttons: Add - Add videofile with requester. Remove selected - Remove selected video from list. Deselect - Deselect. (not yet) Effect window Cycle: Select effect. Buttons: Preview - Calculate effect preview. Preview ffplay - FFplay preview with realtime effect. (only in video mode) Use - Use effect settings and close window. Cancel - Close window, no effect. Crop scaled window Sliders: Size w - Width Size h - Height Offset x - 0 left Offset y - 0 top Buttons: Preview - Calculate effect preview. Preview ffplay - FFplay preview with realtime effect. (only in video mode) Use - Use effect settings and close window. Cancel - Close window, no effect. Drawtext window Font register: Fontfile - Select ttf font. Size - Font size. Color - Font color. Overlay - Font overlay (transparency). Shadow - Enable - disable font shadow. Color - Shadow color. Overlay - Shadow overlay (transparency). Text register: Text - Type simple text here. Textfile - Select textfile. Text position - Text offset x and y axis. Shadow position - Shadow offset x and y axis. Move register: Direction - None, left, right, up, down. Speed - Move speed. Buttons: Preview - Calculate effect preview. Preview ffplay - FFplay preview with realtime effect. (only in video mode) Use - Use effect settings and close window. Cancel - Close window, no effect. Convert video window Range - Convert selected range. All - Convert all. Cycle: Output format - Output video format. o 3gp o avi o flv o m4v o mkv o mov o mp4 o mpg o swf o vob o wmv Slider: Quality - Output video quality. 1 - best 31 - worst Buttons: Ok - Select output path and name (without extension). Cancel - Close window. To frames window Range - Convert selected range. All - Convert all. Cycle: Picture format - Output format. o bmp o jpg o pcx o pgm o pgmyuv o png o ppm o tiff Buttons: Ok - Select output path and name (without extension). Cancel - Close window. Time window Start - Set clip start position in hh:mm:ss. (only in video mode) End - Set clip end position in hh:mm:ss. (only in video mode) Buttons: Ok - Set time slider(s) in main window. Back - Back to previous values. (before clicking Ok) Log window Buttons: Save log - Save log to ram:ffshop.log Clear - Clear log window.


This application uses ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MUI - MagicUserInterface Version 3.8 (c) Copyright 1992-97, Stefan Stuntz ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MUI is an object oriented system to create and maintain graphical user interfaces. From a programmers point of view, using MUI saves a lot of time and makes life much easier. Thinking about complicated terms like window resizing or font sensitivity is simply not neccesary. On the other hand, users of MUI based applications have the ability to customize nearly every pixel of a programs interface according to their personal taste. Please click on the Install-MUI icon to install MUI on your system or to update from previous versions. Latest news and support can be found on Internet at www.sasg.com. *********** Attention If you're still not registered for MUI, check the new and unique shareware lottery and great discounts at www.sasg.com. Give it a try!


Author: Alfonso Ranieri http://alfie.altervista.org RxMUI home page http://alfie.altervista.org/rxmui/


Author: Martin "Mason" Merz http://www.masonicons.de




Jan Vedral ghh seznam cz http://ghh.8u.cz
ghh don'tpanic